Empowering Health Professionals: HERC’s Journey

About Us

Established in 2013, the Health Education & Research Centre (HERC) is a visionary initiative by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch. Our mission? To provide accessible, high-quality training for health professionals and aspiring individuals entering the health industry.

What We Offer

  • Purpose-Built Education Space: At HERC, we’ve designed a state-of-the-art education space where learning meets innovation. Our purpose-built training facility, nestled in the heart of Hobart city, offers cutting-edge clinical training facilities and the latest technology.
  • Health Care Qualifications: HERC isn’t just about training; it’s about empowering you with the right qualifications. We offer a comprehensive range of health care courses, including Certificate III, Diploma, and Advanced Diploma levels.
  • Continued Professional Development (CPD): Your journey doesn’t end with initial qualifications. HERC provides ongoing learning opportunities through CPD programs. Stay ahead in your field with our support.

Blending Theory, Practice, and Workplace Learning

HERC bridges theory and practice seamlessly. Our classroom-based learning is complemented by online resources and assessments. But that’s not all—we ensure workplace learning is an integral part of your experience. Because success isn’t just about what you know; it’s about how you apply it.

Join HERC today and be part of a legacy that transforms health professionals into leaders.

HERC proudly delivers accredited training through a Third Party Arrangement with ANMEC (Australian Nursing & Midwifery Education Centre), RTO Code 40064. This arrangement enables HERC to deliver ANMEC’s HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing in Tasmania. Note: the phrase ‘in partnership’ when used in conjunction with training organisation logos on this website refers to this arrangement.